Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another Great Testimonial! Going Natural!

Hi Lorrie,
I was just thinking about you yesterday and planning to tell you how amazed and excited we are with the changes in our horses.  Marley is no longer covered with belly bites and he is loosing some of that excess weight!!!.  Rolo's withers, back and ribcage are no longer reactive!!!!...when I got him the trainer showed me that his side was very reactive with grooming but he assured me that he was just sensitive and that if I kept grooming he would be fine! ...WRONG!  So he was racing with ribs and probably withers out! wonder he developed and oslet and went lame then did not want to be ridden!  JB has gained a little weight and the rain rot on his hind feet is nearly gone and he is more comfortable in the hind quarters! They all shine MORE than they did with oil!!! Marley is dappled.

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