Thursday, June 10, 2010

Heart wall

Trapped Emotions & The HeartWall©
Do you ever feel like you are still carrying around some emotional event in your past that you would rather forget?
Whether you realize it or not, the fact is you probably are still dragging certain emotional events around with you, in
ways you might not have imagined...
Thousands of years ago, the Chinese correlated each emotion that we experience with different organs in the body.
Many years of careful observation taught these ancient physicians that various emotions seem to actually emanate
from specific organs and glands in the body, and too much of any emotion can cause congestion and imbalance
organ. For example, if you have an abundance of anger in your life, eventually your liver or gall bladder (or both) will
become imbalanced. Of course, here in the West, we believe that the brain is the seat of emotions as well as all
intelligence, so these old beliefs seem a bit odd, to say the least, and are dismissed by many of the learned physicians
of our day. Nevertheless, the more we learn about the mind-body connection, the more we realize that we really don't
know anymore where the mind ends and the body begins. Maybe the Chinese were right after all.
When certain emotions are too powerful for us to handle, a short circuit is created, and a part of that emotion is
'trapped' within the body. This trapped emotion is essentially a 'ball of energy'. The picture at right depicts the body's
magnetic field. The green ball represents one of these 'trapped emotions' which has become lodged in the upper right
chest. Notice how it is distorting the magnetic field?
This type of trapped energy is invisible, yet highly dangerous to the body over time. If you have ever taken a magnet
and put it near a computer screen or a tv set, and seen how the screen distorts, then you have seen the same
phenomenon as this. A trapped emotion will distort the body's magnetic field in this same way. And of course, if you
distort the body's magnetic field, you distort the physical tissues of the body as well, since the body itself is made of
We are all subjected to various emotions every day of our lives. We usually are able to process these emotions
without too much trouble. We experience the emotion as it passes through us, and we move on. I've realized
however, that emotions are processed on two levels: physically and mentally. Sometimes certain emotions are so
powerful that the physical body does not process them. These emotions become "trapped" in the body, and lead to all
manner of physical illnesses.
How can a trapped emotion exert that kind of pressure on physical tissue in the body? I believe that the trapped
emotion (a ball of energy), distorts the magnetic field of the body, thereby distorting the physical body itself, causing
pain and malfunction. After all, our bodies are really nothing more than atoms, and atoms are made of energy, right?
What happens to body tissue when it is continually irritated over time? In many cases, the tissue goes into a state of
metaplasia, or change. The next step is malignancy, or cancer. Is it possible the trapped emotions can lead to cancer
in the body? I believe the answer is yes. I do not treat cancer at our clinics, and I make that very clear to my
patients. However, patients do come to our clinics that happen to have cancer. We do our best to restore balance to
their bodies, and having a more balanced body can definitely help. Every patient with cancer that I have ever seen
has always had emotions trapped in the malignant tissues. While these particular patients are often concurrently
undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment for their cancers, I find and released the emotions that are trapped,
and I believe that it helps. I believe the day will come when all physicians will realize the danger of trapped emotions
and the importance of having them released.
Trapped emotions can even be inherited! If one of your parents has a trapped emotion, it is possible that a bit of that
energy can actually be passed through to you at the moment of conception.
Sometimes trapped emotions can become lodged in the area of the heart, and can create what I call a 'HeartWall'.
Heartache and Broken Hearts
Have you ever been injured emotionally? Have you ever felt that emotional heaviness in your chest like your heart was
The heart is the center of your being. In fact, research now indicates that the heart may be a second brain, a brain
more powerful than the one on top of your shoulders. A brain that is fully activated when you are giving and receiving
pure love and acts of pure, unselfish devotion. It is through our heart that we give and receive love.
But our hearts are vulnerable to injury. Sometimes trapped emotions are created in the body, and sometimes these
trapped emotions lodge in the heart area.
Since all things are nothing but pure energy by their very nature, a trapped emotion is no different, and consists of
pure energy.
Well, sometimes your subconscious mind will take that extra energy that is now in the heart area, and it will literally
make a 'wall' with it. Why? To protect your heart from injury so as to keep your heart from being totally broken.
You can be born with a HeartWall, but usually it gets built up over time. One of the most interesting things about the
HeartWall is that it is always made out of something. (The mind is logical. How can you have a wall made out of
And so, the HeartWall is like the projected image from a movie projector. The subconscious mind is free to choose any
material for it. My testing has revealed a wide variety of substances, thicknesses and characteristics of the HeartWall.
Usually, the material chosen, as well as the thickness of the wall, have definite symbolic meanings relating to the
person's life or circumstances. For example, I have seen HeartWalls range from paper-thin to thousands of miles in
thickness. Remember that the Heart Wall is a "projection" of the mind and the mind is not limited in a physical sense;
nevertheless, this "projection" seems to have a definite effect on the body, both mentally and physically.
I believe that Heart Walls affect us in two ways. First, they block the heart energy from flowing through the body; this
makes it more difficult for the body to heal itself, and can cause physical symptoms, particularly in the neck, upper
back and shoulders. Second, they block us from fully opening our hearts to others.
In essence, a HeartWall will make you numb to others and make it more difficult for you to feel emotions and connect
to others. When you realize that the mind puts the heart wall up to protect us in the first place, it all makes sense.
In essence, a HeartWall will make it harder for you to give and receive love.
When the Heart Wall is removed from the body, the difference can sometimes be felt immediately. At other times, the
change is more subtle and takes place over time. One of the main reasons that I teach my 'Balancing the Body Electric'
seminars involves the HeartWall. I can never hope to clear enough HeartWalls in my lifetime to make a very big
difference to the world. But if enough individuals are trained how to release these emotions, many hearts can be
"unlocked", and the level of love and understanding in the world will increase. In this small way, maybe we really can
change the world.
The importance of clearing the HeartWall from yourself and your loved ones cannot be overestimated. In practice, I
have found incredibly profound results from clearing the emotions that form the heart wall. I have seen suicidedepressed
people completely get over their depression and recover after having the heartwall cleared. I have seen
seemingly unreachable, very angry young people who were getting poor grades turn their lives around. I have seen
the incredible serenity that people regain when they again feel connected to the people around them. People have
even related to us that for the first time in their lives they can actually feel God's love for them.
Thank you for allowing me to share my knowledge with you. If you are interested in having your Heart wall trapped
emotions released at another time, you may contact Lorrie at or email
To read more information about trapped emotions and the heart wall, visit

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